If you want to know review about SS173 - SAMSUNG SNP-3371HP 4CIF 37X ZOOM NETWORK DAY & NIGHT WDR PTZ DOME CCTV CAMERA POE , Here right place for you because at this time I will discuss about this product Reviews. . . these product is recommended for you, because they are designed to provide better quality .
In my opinion there are many people are looking for special offer SS173 - SAMSUNG SNP-3371HP 4CIF 37X ZOOM NETWORK DAY & NIGHT WDR PTZ DOME CCTV CAMERA POE before they pick up one. I think that's a nice idea to make a good SS173 - SAMSUNG SNP-3371HP 4CIF 37X ZOOM NETWORK DAY & NIGHT WDR PTZ DOME CCTV CAMERA POE deal. It's better for readers to read its specifications and its details to make a comparisonwhat advantages and Full reviews of SS173 - SAMSUNG SNP-3371HP 4CIF 37X ZOOM NETWORK DAY & NIGHT WDR PTZ DOME CCTV CAMERA POE
- Built-in IP66 weatherproof Housing and automatic tracking
- H.264, MPEG-4, MJPEG multiple encoding
- 160x WDR
- True Day & Night(ICR), 2D & 3D noise filter (SSNRIII)
- Powerful 37x optical zoom
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