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Many readers are searching for lower price SS168 - SAMSUNG SNP-3120VH 12X ZOOM H.264 WDR VANDAL RESISTANT NETWORK POE PTZ DOME CAMERA W/ HEATED HOUSING before they order one. I think its a good idea to get a best deal. Firstly, Its better for you to see SS168 - SAMSUNG SNP-3120VH 12X ZOOM H.264 WDR VANDAL RESISTANT NETWORK POE PTZ DOME CAMERA W/ HEATED HOUSING description, features and its details. You can directly see complete reviews and price herewhat's feature and Full spec of SS168 - SAMSUNG SNP-3120VH 12X ZOOM H.264 WDR VANDAL RESISTANT NETWORK POE PTZ DOME CAMERA W/ HEATED HOUSING
- Max. 30(25)fps at 4CIF resolution
- 3.69 ~ 44.32mm (12x) optical zoom, 16x digital zoom
- H.264 / MPEG-4 / MJPEG multiple codec
- hPoE, SD memory, bi-directional audio support
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