if you want to know about the latest price of 700TVL CCTV Security Dome Varifocal Camera/Metal/Vandal Proof/Weatherproof/White , Here is the right place to get information about this product because this day admin will speak about this product Reviews. . . This product is best for you, because this product are designed to provide best quality .
Many readers are searching for lower price 700TVL CCTV Security Dome Varifocal Camera/Metal/Vandal Proof/Weatherproof/White before they order one. I think its a good idea to get a best deal. Firstly, Its better for you to see 700TVL CCTV Security Dome Varifocal Camera/Metal/Vandal Proof/Weatherproof/White description, features and its details. You can directly see complete reviews and price herewhat's feature and complete review of 700TVL CCTV Security Dome Varifocal Camera/Metal/Vandal Proof/Weatherproof/White
- 1/3" SONY EFFIO-E CCD Image Sensor for Optimum Image Quality
- Lens: 2.8-12mm VARIFOCAL LENS/ Manual Zoom Lens
- High Resolutions: 700TVL /DWDR/ ATR / DNR & OSD MENU: Number Plate Reader
- IR LED: 5x36PCS with visibility up to 30M
- METALCASING: Weatherproof & Vandal Proof IR Dome Camera; Suitable for INDOOR and OUTDOOR Use
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