if you want to know about the latest price of Sony Effio-E 700 TVL - Vandalproof Dome CCTV Camera - ATR, DNR - 2.8-12mm Varifocal Lens White , Here is the right place to get information about this product because this day admin will talk about about this product Detail. . . This product is top for you, because this product are designed to provide good .
In my opinion there are many people are looking for special offer Sony Effio-E 700 TVL - Vandalproof Dome CCTV Camera - ATR, DNR - 2.8-12mm Varifocal Lens White before they pick up one. I think that's a nice idea to make a good Sony Effio-E 700 TVL - Vandalproof Dome CCTV Camera - ATR, DNR - 2.8-12mm Varifocal Lens White deal. It's better for readers to read its specifications and its details to make a comparisonwhat advantages and Full detail of Sony Effio-E 700 TVL - Vandalproof Dome CCTV Camera - ATR, DNR - 2.8-12mm Varifocal Lens White
- High Resolution Colour 700TVL Sony 1/3" Effio-E CCD
- Lens: 2.8-12 Manual Zoom Lens
- OSD Menu controlled by cable button
- IP66 (Weatherproof and Vandalproof)
- For Indoor or Outdoor Use
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