are you looking for the best price of QVIS 600TVL INTERNAL 2.8-12mm VARIFOCAL DOME CCTV CAMERA , you are right in our web because nowadays admin will speak about this product Review. . . it product is very good for you, because they are designed to provide best quality .
Welcome to this site, today I would like to introduce QVIS 600TVL INTERNAL 2.8-12mm VARIFOCAL DOME CCTV CAMERA our best rate. There are many readers are searching the best review QVIS 600TVL INTERNAL 2.8-12mm VARIFOCAL DOME CCTV CAMERA before they purchase one. I think its a good step to get the best choice. You can see from its description and features to know that this item has good qualitywhat advantages and Full detail of QVIS 600TVL INTERNAL 2.8-12mm VARIFOCAL DOME CCTV CAMERA
- Resolution - 600TVL
- Internal Dome
- CCD - 1/3" SONY 639
- Ideal for retail environments
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