If you want to know the details of BenQ W1080ST 2000 Lumens DLP HD 3D Projector , This is right place for you because today admin will speak about this product Detail. . . it product is recommended for you, because this product are designed to provide better quality .
Good news for you that will help you save money. Do you wish to get BenQ W1080ST 2000 Lumens DLP HD 3D Projector best price or searching information about this item? Don't miss a best offer this time. You can take advantage for this product review, so you can save bigWhat's new and Full detail of BenQ W1080ST 2000 Lumens DLP HD 3D Projector
- Projector brightness: 2000 ANSI lumens
- Projection technology: DLP
- Projector native resolution: 1080p (1920x1080)
- Screen size compatibility: 965.2 - 7620 mm (38 -
- Native aspect ratio: 16:9
Monday, 20 January 2014
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